How to discover your partner's Enneagram type (all types)


This episode is all about figuring out Enneagram types. It's not just for your partner, it can help with friends, family, or coworkers. Here are the steps I outline in the podcast 

Step 1: Narrow it down. Figure out 4 or fewer types that fit by looking at the Core Motivation Cheat Sheet 

Step 2: Look at the Wings. If any of the types you have on your list are touching (like 1 and 9 or 3 and 4) then take an extra look. Touching types mean you have a type and a wing. 

Step 3: Look at childhood. Often, experiences or relationships we have in childhood shape our Enneagram type. If you were bossy you may be an 8 or a 1. If you felt like an outsider you might be a 4 or 5. Think about how the core motivation was shaped in childhood. 

Step 4: Look at shadow qualities. Each type has a high and low side. The shadow is the low side of the type. I discovered my type only when I saw my shadow side. 

 ⚖ 1- Judgemental 

💁‍♀️ 2- Needy 

🏆 3- Workaholic 

🌌 4- Stuck in melancholy 

📚 5- Hoard their energy 

😰 6- Suspicious 

🦋 7- Hedonistic  

👊 8- Aggressive 

🧘‍♂️ 9- Self Forgetting

Step 5: Listen to podcast episodes. Narrow down your list to 2 or 3 options. Listen to podcast episodes about each type. I have several to choose from. 

Here is the link for the Core Motivation Cheat Sheet 

Try the Free Enneagram Quiz!!!! 

Message me on Instagram @Angie.Alchemist and ask all your Enneagram questions! 

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