Enneagram 5: The Investigator

Finally my type 5! I'm excited because it's my type. This type is all about understanding the world through research. 


Here is the link for the Core Motivation Cheat Sheet 

Try the Free Enneagram Quiz!!!! 

Message me on Instagram @Angie.Alchemist and ask all your Enneagram questions! 

Check out more at AngieAlchemist.com 

If you want to join the waitlist for our: Make More Money with the Enneagram and your Energy Flow course, join before the end of April to get the special bonus live with Dr. Lyz and me. This is where you can ask all your Enneagram questions! 

Here is Dr. Lyz’s podcast so you can hear us talk more about the Enneagram and Energy Flow. Look for episode 109. 

Here is the link to Living Radiantly with Andrea if you are interested in learning how the Enneagram impacts intention setting.